Activity Feed Forums Introduce Yourself Sumitro Mukherjee | Vadodara | Wildlife Photography Enthusiast

  • Sumitro Mukherjee | Vadodara | Wildlife Photography Enthusiast

    Posted by Sumitro Mukherjee on September 8, 2023 at 12:10 am

    Hi Everyone,

    I am Sumitro Mukherjee from Vadodara, Gujarat. By profession I’m a Strategist & Researcher working with one of the leading IT companies in India. Wildlife Photography is my passion. At the same time I am sensitive towards the nature and ecology conservation. I am a Canon user – recently shifted to mirrorless. For many years now, I follow Sudhir sir and try to learn from him. I wish to take up my photography a few notches up here. I am sharing one image from one of my favorite places – Gir National Park. C&C welcome. Thanks.

    Sumitro Mukherjee replied 1 year ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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