Activity Feed Forums Introduce Yourself Environmentalist By Profession and Photography Admirer , Traveller

  • Environmentalist By Profession and Photography Admirer , Traveller

    Posted by Bhargav Kale on January 10, 2024 at 9:37 am

    Hello All ,

    I would like to Thank You Sudhir Sir for creating a wonderful platform for all of us under expertise and guidance and dive into the World of Photography . We are blessed to have a Lessons , guidance and important and interesting tips to perform photography . I am Bhargav Environmentalist by Profession , Adventurer and Hiker , Photography Admirer and Amateur Data Scientist . I am blessed to have been enrolled into Sudhir Sir’s Photography Forums under his guidance and A Photography Guru like Him .

    Thanking You ,

    Bhargav Kale

    Bhargav Kale replied 8 months, 1 week ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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