Activity Feed Forums Want to Buy Camera Gear (WTB) Canon EOS RP telephoto zoom lens recommendation

  • Canon EOS RP telephoto zoom lens recommendation

    Posted by Mohd Abdul Mughni on February 26, 2024 at 9:50 am

    I have been using the Nikon D3100 for the past 13 years now I bought the Nikkor 55-300mm lens for wildlife and photography. I rent full-frame cameras and wide-angle lenses for architectural photography of my projects sometimes. I want to upgrade to a decent full-frame camera I have my eye on the Canon EOS RP my question here is: If I buy a Canon EOS RP what telephoto lens should I consider pairing it with for wildlife photography I want to increase the focal length to about 600mm for better wildlife shots.

    Mohd Abdul Mughni replied 1 year ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Shoeb Saiyad

    February 26, 2024 at 10:28 am

    Before switching systems or getting a body. Look as the Lenses line up or rent the combo that you want, before buying. As Sudhir Sir has mentioned. 20% on Body and 80% on Lenses. I have Canon R and Canon R5, but the RF Prime Lenses are too expensive, yes we can use old EF lenses though.

    Nikon has one of the best wildlife lenses lineup . Just wait for Nikon Z6III, it should be launched soon and also checkout the Sony line up.

    If you want to go for the Canon Route, go for Canon R rather then RP. RP has got smaller batteries and menu system is completely different then other Canon Camera. Canon has got few mid-low end camera’s Canon R8/R10 and Crop Sensor R7 but their lenses line up is not that great.. as this point in time.

    Hope this help.


    • Mohd Abdul Mughni

      February 26, 2024 at 6:20 pm

      Thank you mr.Shoeb for your reply.

      How about if I consider the Nikon z5 because the expected z6iii price is higher than the budget that I decided for a camera body that is somewhere around one Lac.

      Also how well do the old lens such as the 50mm and the 55-300mm that I have work with these new mirrorless bodies ?

      and will the Sigma 150-600mm work with I saw a few videos stating the AF laga a bit with the Nikon z5.

  • Piyush Rahate

    February 26, 2024 at 11:15 am

    I am mostly a Nikon shooter so not aware about the Canon EOS RP camera and its capabilities. However, one thing that I have observed and learned over the last couple of years shooting wildlife, birds and nature is the lens is more important than the camera itself. The better the lens, better results you will get even in low light.

    So if your budget permits, go for prime lens like 600mm F4 or F2.8. Both these lenses are on the costlier side (on Nikon side they cost over 10 lakhs). If you want more versatility in your focal range then go for telephoto zoom like 150-600/200-500 or equivalent. These telephoto zooms are available from third party as well like sigma or tamron and cost much less as compared to prime lenses.

    Another thing that you might want to consider is what is your most important subject i.e. do you mostly shoot birds in bushes which are shy, then the 600mm is not always enough. On the other hand if you are shooting big mammals and you can get in close proximity then probably 600mm would be too much.

    So finally, it comes down to two important things while choosing the right lens

    – What is your budget?

    – What exactly you would be shooting?

    I hope this helps.

    P.S. My experience with 200-500mm lens even when paired with Nikon Z9, the images when shot wide-open and are at farther distance often turn out to be soft (again it might be because of my technique as well).

    • Mohd Abdul Mughni

      February 26, 2024 at 6:27 pm

      Hey piyush thanks for the reply.

      My preferred subject when I shoot wildlife are mammals.

      And the budget for the full frame camera body and the lens that I had was somewhere near one lac each. So I think I will consider these third party Sigma 150-600mm telephoto zoom lens.

      Although I am still not sure what body should I get If I go for Nikon there is the Nikon z5 and maybe I can use my 50mm and 55-300mm along with it. Or consider the canon Eos RP and start building my kit from scratch.

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