Activity Feed Forums Want to Buy Camera Gear (WTB) Tamron 50-400/ Sony e 70-350 Reply To: Tamron 50-400/ Sony e 70-350

  • Harjit Singh

    September 24, 2023 at 12:38 am

    Sir, I am a canon user but I like to read a lot about other cameras & lenses besides of canon. As per my knowledge, both the lenses have nice image quality and sharpness but they may have some cons also in the desired combination.

    On a Sony A7 III, the Tamron lens may give some auto focus issues in comparison to native Sony lenses. The Sony E 70-350 aps-c lens with a full frame camera A7 III will give a cropped image circle (thereby with lesser resolution/mega pixels) especially in focal lengths 200 mm & above. So, one may not enjoy the complete benefits of a full frame image sensor.

    It is encouraging to know that you are an active photographer at 70+, keep it up & may GOD bless you. ????