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  • Gopala Krishna Baliga

    December 24, 2024 at 12:32 pm

    Sorry for the delay SU Girish.

    I understand your question. I will tell you why I do it. Hope that will shed some light. I use a DSLR camera which does not have eye focus function.

    Suppose I use Center focusing point to focus on a bird… let us say. Fist I focus using back button to focus on the bird’s eye. ( I have remove focusing function from shutter release button ). Now the bird’s eye is at the center of the frame. I want to place the whole bird to a side to conform to rule of thirds. Now I leave my finger from the back button, recompose using view finder, press the shutter release button.

    There are many such situations when we may need to recompose. With practice, we should be able to learn it better. Hope this helps.